Contract Research Services
We offer establishment of field and greenhouse studies, with statistically rigorous plot designs or large-scale demo trials, depending on needs of the client.
Agrimanagement is a non-biased consulting firm which focuses on collecting independent data relevant to research trials. We have the ability to call upon expertise from a well-rounded staff trained in soil science, entomology, agronomy, economics, computer science, and plant pathology. Agrimanagement has established numerous grower relationships throughout the Yakima Valley and Columbia Basin, whom we rely on for hosting research trials on their commercial operations.
Examples of research services include:
Product efficacy (seed, pesticides, fertilizers, organic amendments, biostimulants)
Variety testing and evaluation
Rate determination studies
Application timing and product rotation trials
Greenhouse bioassays
Our small scale replicated trials utilize application methods that achieve similar coverage as commercial equipment. Specific application-mimics include:
Foliar applications (STIHL SR mistblowers)
Chemigation (Model T4 CO2 sprayer)
Drip-applied (Solo backpack sprayer)
A wide variety of data assessment parameters may be collected for a project, catered to client need and what they would like to learn from the research trial.
Parameters are collected in a timely way and include, but are not limited to:
Leaf and petiole nutrient analysis
Soil nutrient and microbe analysis
Nematode analysis
Irrigation and soil moisture monitoring
Entomology scouting
Weed identification
Disease identification and ratings (incidence and severity)
Phytotoxicity ratings
Individual plant measurements (height and weight separated by roots, shoots, and fruit)
Crop yield and quality metrics (brix, firmness, starch content, specific gravity)
Stomatal conductance measurements
Plant vigor (using set scale or NDVI)
Clients will receive a report upon completion of the trial which includes raw data, full or summary report with descriptions of materials and methods, observations, photos, and expert-defined conclusions
Data may be presented in an ARM data management file or through excel, with statistical analysis completed using R studio
Our team can also help clients build a protocol from the ground up, or develop a protocol file within ARM