Integrated Pest Management
We offer services for the detection and quantification of insect pests and predators in many crops. We also offer services in disease recognition and control.
Through the use of standardized sampling techniques designed to collect representative samples in a field, we can develop recommendations to control pests and diseases. This information is provided to the grower to help confidently schedule the proper number of sprays at the proper rates in a given season.
As a scout walks through a field, field characteristics are recorded, including areas of variable growth, nutritional deficiencies, pest damage, and disease presence. At each site, we select leaves and check for the presence of pests, pest eggs, predators, and disease. Additionally, we identify pest population dynamics and the damage caused by each pest type. This data is used by the Agrimanagement consulting staff to advise the proper course of action to remedy threatening pest levels and treat for disease as necessary.