An agronomist with a passion for learning and helping growers maximize their crop’s potential. Ethan grew up on a farm in the Lower Yakima Valley. His family raises corn, alfalfa, small grain crops, and operates a local feed business. Ethan first joined Agrimanagement in 2015 as a summer sampler, for over three summers he worked as an agronomy scout collecting plant tissue and soil samples. He has experience with a wide variety of crops grown in Central Washington.

Ethan received a B.S. in Agricultural Operations Technology in 2018, from Montana State University-Northern. While living in Montana, he also completed an internship with a contract research organization, assisting in the management of agricultural research trials. Since his return to Agrimanagement, he has assisted with plant nutrient management consulting, irrigation monitoring, and plant pest and disease control. Ethan holds a Washington State Commercial Pest Control Consultant License.

Ethan Partch
